9th Grade - Band Essentials BUNDLE (Part 1 of 2)
9th Grade - Band Essentials BUNDLE (Part 1 of 2)
Band Parent PLEASE type your students name below so we know whom to give the Polo to!! THANK YOU! We will distribute these in class when we get them.🙏⬇️🔻👇 PLEASE Type your STUDENT'S FIRST & LAST NAME HERE 🔻👇🔻👇
Select T-shirt SIZE:
The 9th grade band essentials bundle includes:
- Annual membership (for provision of tutors, contest entry fees, judge fees), $125;
- Summer band camp (2-3 weeks), $40;
- Uniform gear (1 spirit shirt $20, 1 polo shirt $30, 1 pink out day t-shirt $20)
- IMPORTANT: band socks, band shoes, band gloves NOT included in this bundle. Must be purchased SEPARATELY here;
- Game day dinner every football game (served after school, before getting on the bus), $75;
- Snacks (for on the bus or at the band hall), $25; and
- Uniform cleaning fee (note: uniform is owned by Shepton and lent out FREE of charge), $25.
IMPORTANT for 2024-25 Year only: THIS YEAR THE SHOWSHIRT MUST BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY -- not included in the bundle. We will send an email out when the Show Shirt is available for purchase.
NOTE: For a band performances-based course, uniform gear & supplies are paramount to creating the marching shows and concerts during the year. Therefore, please do not shop around for other brands.
If for any reason you are unable to purchase the supplies at this time thru this website, please call or email our Director of Bands to let us know as the Shepton Band Boosters have a band scholarship program that students may apply to if need-be.